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Kingsway Learning Center


Kingsway Learning Center is a nonprofit organization committed to meeting the needs of individuals with unique abilities. 


1000 Voorhees Dr, Voorhees Township, NJ 08043; (856) 545-0800

Kingsway provides the highest quality individualized services by working closely with families to help individuals with unique abilities reach their full potential.  Each program fulfills different needs and allows students and families to live each day with a better quality of life.

In the Early Intervention Program, practitioners work with parents to increase the family’s ability to guide their child’s developmental progress in their first 3 years of life.  The practitioners at Kingsway are highly trained and experienced professionals who are continuously learning and utilizing the latest best practice information and recommendations.

The Preschool Program is full-day for children ages 3 to 5 with learning, communication, sensory, motor, and/or medical challenges.  The program embraces play-based learning in an environment that addresses educational and therapy goals and encourages self-initiated exploration.

The Elementary Program is designed for students ages 5 to 14.  The program focuses on developing academics, functional daily living skills and social skills, with related services tailored to specifically meet the goals and objectives in each child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Kingsway’s Secondary Program is designed for students ages 14-21.  It provides a comprehensive array of academic and therapeutic services, which facilitate each student’s transition to an active post-secondary life.  The educational team collaborates to facilitate each student’s achievement of individual goals and objectives within the community.

Kingsway is in the process of developing an adult program that will enable individuals ages 21 and over to receive services very similar to those in the secondary program.

How to make a donation:


Send checks payable to "FUND NAME" and send to:
Community Foundation of South Jersey
P.O. Box 446
Haddonfield, NJ 08033


For contributions of appreciated securities, please be sure to notify Lee Albright, lalbright@communityfoundationsj.org, 856-528-3385 regarding your gift at the time of transfer. In this way, stocks can easily be identified, retrieved, sold, and directed to your fund without delay. Please direct all stock contributions to:

Fidelity Investments
DTC Number: 0226
Account Number: X39-154555
Account Name: Community Foundation of New Jersey, our parent organization, for further credit to the Fund.

For current year tax benefits, contributions must be received by December 31. Please note that with some brokerage houses we have experienced that security transfers may take 14–21 days for settlement, so please plan accordingly with your year-end giving to your fund.

Cash Wire Transfer

For wiring instructions for cash contributions, please contact Lee Albright, lalbright@communityfoundationsj.org or Patty Heath at pheath@cfnj.org or 973.267.5533, x223

Outside Donor Advised Fund

For making a grant from a DAF with another charity organization, make the grant to Community Foundation of New Jersey - Fund Name, EIN 22-2281783, PO Box 446, Haddonfield, NJ 08033, please notify Lee Albright when making the grant at lalbright@communityfoundationsj.org, 856-528-3385

Questions? Call 856-528-3385.

Project Information

Kingsway Learning Center

Nominating Funder
William G. Rohrer Charitable Foundation

Length of Funding Relationship
More than 5 years

Date of Last Review
Feb 2017

144 Kings Highway West, Haddonfield NJ 08033

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