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Gloucester County

Gloucester County

Gloucester County was founded in 1686. It once included within its boundaries the present Atlantic and Camden Counties. Gloucester County is unique in that it is an outstanding Agricultural, Industrial and Residential Area. Farming in all of its phases is highly established and developed. The raising of fruit, farm vegetables, and poultry, the dairy industry, the breeding of cattle, hogs, and other livestock, the existence of modern year-round canneries, quick freezing establishments and nearby markets all contribute to making Gloucester County one of the chief food producing sections of our State and of our Country.

Key Demographics:

  • Area: 329 sq. miles
  • Population: 288,288
  • Median Household income: $69,990
  • Percent below poverty level: 7.7%
  • Political subdivisions: 24, consisting of one city, 10 boroughs, and 13 townships.

CFSJ Grants & Support

  • A $5,000 grant was given to the Robins’ Nest, Inc for the Nurse-Family Partnership program, a home visitation program offering parenting education, supportive services to low-income, first-time parents in Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties.
  • A $5,000 grant was given to Citizen’s Campaign for their Call to Service Program to recruit and train citizens in Camden, Burlington, and Gloucester Counties how participate in the legislation development, community planning, and citizen journalism in their community.
  • A $5,000 grant was awarded to the Food Bank of South Jersey, Inc. to support Operation Frontline: a national nutrition education program that teaches families in Camden, Burlington, and Gloucester County how to make healthy and budget-wise food choices with a cooking-centered approach to nutrition education.

Fun Facts

  • Washington Township has 21 Indian sites and burial grounds registered in the State archives in Trenton.


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