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Join our Team as Community Manager

The Community Manager at the Community Foundation of South Jersey is an exciting opportunity for an energetic community relationship builder to organize and lead a collaborative of five South Jersey communities engaged in Heart & Soul work (Heart & Soul Network) in partnership with the Orton Family Foundation. The Community Manager will convene a collaborative of South Jersey funders and partners (Guiding Team) to support the Heart & Soul work including place-based philanthropy strategies in the eight southern counties of Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean, and Salem. Together, this work is the Transform South Jersey initiative.

The Community Manager will have the capacity and willingness to be trained in the Community Heart & Soul model, including becoming a certified Heart & Soul coach. The Community Manager will exercise leadership and possess experience in community organizing, facilitation, knowledge building, and evaluation. Generally, the work encompasses supporting the Heart & Soul process in the five communities, connecting citizen leaders from the five municipalities to each other, building capacity for community improvement work, supporting a community endowment building effort in each community, and supporting strategic learning from the initiative

The Orton Family Foundation outlines the Heart & Soul community planning process in the following steps for local communities:

Phase 1 – Lay the Groundwork: Build a solid foundation by identifying partners and leaders, spreading the word, and developing a road map for successful Heart & Soul community engagement.

Phase 2 – Explore Your Community: Gather residents’ stories and build relationships across divides. Identify what matters most, which leads to creation of Heart & Soul Statements. Examine how Statements are affected by community trends and conditions.

Phase 3 – Make Decisions: Guided by Heart & Soul Statements, identify options for the future and base decisions on what matters most to everyone and best enhances and preserves the community’s “Heart & Soul.”

Phase 4 – Take Action: Partners and residents work together to take action and ownership. Heart & Soul Statements are applied to future decision-making and become part of the fabric of the community.

Download the full program and job description here.

To Apply

Submit a cover letter and resume to hiring@communityfoundationsj.org by February 28 and use the following subject line: Community Manager CFSJ: Your Last Name, Your First Name.

The Community Foundation of South Jersey is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We are committed to building a diverse team and encourage applications from candidates from diverse backgrounds.

No telephone inquiries please.

Three SJ Organizations Receive $50k Aging Innovation Grants

CFSJ has awarded $150,000 in Aging Innovation Fund (AIF) grants to local organizations addressing aging in our region in new and different ways.

According to Population Reference Bureau, the percentage of New Jersey residents over 65 is growing steadily, which makes the shrinking ratio of working adults to elderly residents a big concern for policymakers.  AIF was created to spur innovation among organizations that focus on our state’s aging men and women.

2018 AIF grants were awarded to:

  • Ocean SMART Senior Mobility and Resource Training is designed to address the need for improved senior mobility and combat social isolation among non-drivers. To increase mobility, social connections and independence among older residents, NJ Travel Independence Program (NJTIP @ Rutgers) will work in collaboration with Ocean Ride, the local provider of public transit, to develop a targeted education curriculum that teaches Ocean County seniors about transportation options that are available to them.
  • Project MEMORY L.A.N.E. (Living with Alzheimers’ in a Nurturing Environment) will expand services for residents with mild to moderate cognitive decline who live in Northgate II, an affordable housing facility in Camden. The program will be administered by Fair Share Support Services in partnership with NJ Institute for Successful Aging.  These new services will allow residents to ‘age in place’ in a safe, familiar and nurturing environment.
  • AtlantiCare Internal Medicine Physician Residents Outreach to Atlantic City Housing Authority Seniors will deliver care outside of the AtlantiCare Clinic.  The program will deploy internal medicine residents to provide outreach and wellness activities to patients who live in the City’s high rise complexes.

AIF was created by the Cascade Corporation after the company sold its South Jersey nursing homes in 2014.  The company’s leadership wanted to continue to serve local seniors and partnered with CFSJ to develop this resource to encourage new ways to address aging issues.

“Our Aging Innovation Fund at CFSJ allows us to continue the work Cascade was originally set up to do,” said Don Ambrose, CEO of Cascade’s parent company Del Mar Healthcare.  “We are now in our third year, and very excited that South Jersey has eagerly embraced the opportunity to innovate and lead in this field.”

According to CFSJ Executive Director Andy Fraizer, senior residents of South Jersey are an asset to local places. “Older adults make important contributions, but at the same time, have unique needs.  AIF grants support new ideas in individual enrichment and local approaches to age-friendly communities.”  Fraizer continues, “Our partnership with Cascade allows CFSJ to create a better public understanding of aging-related opportunities and challenges for seniors and South Jersey communities.”

Previous AIF grantees include: NJ Future’s Creating Great Places to Age, Rowan University’s House Calls and Behavioral Health Integration Project, NJ Association for Mental Health’s “Too Much Stuff?” Hoarding Disorder Initiative, Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Southern NJ’s Patient Partners, Cape Assist/Cape May County Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse’s Aging Wrap-Around Services and Stand Up for Salem’s Senior Health & Wellness Park.


John F. Scarpa To Be Honored With 2018 Legacy of Giving Award

The Community Foundation of South Jersey (CFSJ) will honor entrepreneur and investor John F. Scarpa at its Legacy of Giving celebration at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Atlantic City on October 25th. Super Bowl champion and former Philadelphia Eagles coach Dick Vermeil will serve as the event’s guest speaker.

Since 2013, CFSJ has paid tribute to South Jersey’s generous donors with the Legacy of Giving Award to inspire others to use their resources, passion, knowledge and networks to strengthen our communities. Proceeds from the event benefit CFSJ’s ongoing mission to maximize the impact of generosity throughout the eight county South Jersey region.

Through the John F. Scarpa Foundation, he has supported many causes, including education and health care. He is the principal benefactor for the Frank and Edith Scarpa Regional Cancer Center at Inspira Health Network in Vineland, and donated $1 million to the renamed John F. Scarpa Technical Education Center of Cumberland County in Vineland. In 2015, he founded the John F. Scarpa Center for Law and Entrepreneurship at Villanova University Law School.

Professionally, Scarpa is the former co-founder and president of American Cellular Network Corporation, as well as former co-founder of Unitel Wireless Communications Systems, and he helped develop and operate cellular telephone systems throughout the U.S. He has received honorary doctorate degrees from the American University of Rome, Italy, as well as Villanova Law School, where he established the John F. Scarpa Chair in Catholic Legal Studies. Scarpa has also received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, the National Italian American Foundation Special Award for Entrepreneurial Spirit, and was the recipient of United Way’s Alexis de Tocqueville National Award.

To purchase tickets, call Debbie Glenn at (609) 646-0414, ext 122.

Legacy of Giving Host Committee

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Allen
Hon. Nicholas Asselta
Mr. Joseph C. Atkinson
Mr. Michael Azeez
Mr. Carl H. Bagell
Hon. Darlene Barber
Mr. Nick Basile
Ms. Susan Bass Levin
Mr. Larry Bathgate, Esq.
Mr. Gerald Batt, Esq.
Hon. Raymond Batten (Ret.)
Hon. James Beach
Mr. Bob Capoferri
Hon. Louis Cappelli Jr.
Mr. Dan Ceglia
Mr. Tom Cirignano
Mr. John C. Connell, Esq.
Hon. Alisa Cooper
Mr. Vincent D’Alessandro
Mr. Glenn Davila
Mr. Keith Davis, Esq.
Mr. Joe Del Raso
Mr. Sam Delgado
Hon. Joseph Derella Jr.
Hon. Leonard Desiderio
Mr. David DeWeese, Esq.
Mr. John DiAngelo
Mr. Frank DiMauro
Mrs. Theresa DiVietro
Mr. Steve Durst
Hon. Patricia Egan Jones
Mrs. Muriel Elliott
Mr. William Elliott
Hon. Anthony R. Fanucci
Mr. Bill Ferraco
Mr. Tom Ferraco
Mr. Joseph Forline
Hon. Frank Formica
Mr. Leo Garonski
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gill

Hon. Frank Gilliam Jr.
Mr. Frank Giordano
Mr. John Giordano
Mrs. Carol Goloff, Esq.
Mr. Michael Goloff
Ms. Lois Greco
Mr. James Gruccio Jr., Esq.
Rev. Douglas C. Halvorsen
Mr. Steve Hankin
Ms. Wanda Hardy
Mr. Joseph Hess Jr.
Mr. Mark S. Hodges
Ms. Melinda K. Holman
Mr. David R. Hughes
Hon. William J. Hughes Sr.
Mr. James R. Iannone
Mr. Ron Jaworski
Mr. Joseph Jingoli Jr.
Mr. Ron Johnson
Mr. Kelly Johnston
Mr. Brian W. Jones
Mr. Marc Karavan, Esq.
Hon. Albert Kelly
Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Kesselman
Hon. Ed Kline
Mrs. Jessica Kowal
Mr. Lloyd Levenson, Esq.
Hon. Denny Levinson
Mr. Matthew Levinson
Mrs. Jill Lombardo-Melchiore
Mr. Frank McCall
Hon. Edward McDonnell
Mr. Carlos Mercado Jr.
Mr. Frank Messina
Mr. Ian Michael
Hon. Matthew Milam
Hon. Frank Minor
Mr. Eustace Mita
Hon. Will Morey
Mr. Bart Mueller

Mr. Joseph E. Murphy
Mr. Jeffrey Nash
Mr. George Norcross
Mr. Phil Norcross, Esq.
Mr. Robert Odorizzi
Mrs. Linda Pagliughi
Hon. Martin Pagliughi
Mr. Larry Pepper, Esq.
Mr. Salvatore Perillo, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pescatore
Hon. James Plousis
Mr. Ken Pustizzi
Hon. Dana Redd
Mr. T. Christian Rollins
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rossi
Mr. Tom Rossi
Dr. Dina Rossi Elliott
Dr. Mukesh Roy
Ms. Kyle D. Ruffin
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Salmon
Mr. James Salmon
Mr. Robert Sandman
Hon. Mike Santiago
Ms. Kim Schalek Downes
Mr. Brendan Sciarra
Dr. K. P. Singh
Mr. & Mrs. Trib Singh
Mrs. Ceil Smith
Mr. Frank Spencer
Mr. William Sproule
Ms. Susan Story
Hon. Jack Tarditi
Mr. Michael Testa Sr., Esq.
Mr. Joseph P. Tredinnick
Mr. Michael R. Tuosto
Hon. Jeff Van Drew
Mr. Carlos Villar
Mr. David Von Savage
Mrs. Debbie Wallace Long
Mr. Steven Weinstein, Esq.
Mrs. Jennifer Young